Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mama Birds at the Market!

Hello everyone!

Well, the Cache Valley Gardeners Market is officially open for 2009 and we're excited to see you all there! I will be there with a few jars of baby food each Saturday and plenty of order forms for those of you who would like to have a stash for your freezer.
This summer I am sharing a table with my long-time friend and fellow health-nut. We are calling this venture, "Two Mama Birds". We have lots of tasty treats for you and your kiddos and especially for those with food allergies. So far, we're selling whole wheat soft pretzels, whole wheat graham crackers, gluten-free chocolate chip cookies, gluten-free banana muffins and gluten-free fig bars. All delicious and super for little bodies and minds!
As always, if you would like to order anything, please feel free to email anytime! Also, if you or your kids have allergies and you're looking for treats without certain ingredients, please let us know so that we can make you a special batch!
Happy Spring!

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