Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Batch of Organic Foods!

We have a fresh batch of frozen organic foods ready to go! For the youngest eaters, I've made up more of the smooth stuff. For those who are ready for more substance, I've also made a bunch of chunky jars. Below is a list of what's available. Our daughter is loving the multi-grain cereal mixed with various fruit and veggie combinations. Let us know what your little ones like! Place your order by clicking on the link to the right!

Smooth Stuff:
  • Apple-avocado
  • Apple-squash
  • Banana-pea-avocado
  • Banana-mango
  • Carrot-mango
  • Lentil-avocado
  • Carrot-squash-pea

  • Pea-potato-carrot
  • Potato-corn-squash
  • Lentil-carrot
  • Lentil-corn-apple
  • Potato-spinach
  • Carrot-spinach-couscous
  • Squash-corn-couscous
  • Pea-carrot-basmati rice
  • Lentil-apple-basmati rice
  • Squash-spinach-quinoa
  • Pea-apple-quinoa

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